j4rm has a great team of people, full of holy spirit, devoted, in love with the work, and people who strongly obey God’s word. We are constantly developing and welcome everyone!
"I was part of the work entitled "Visiting the Elderly," and the suffering I have seen of the elderly is extraordinarily great. We've seen how we can put a smile on the lips, a few times a week, of people we might even call "our parents."
Ann Peterson
"An extraordinary team, I was deeply impressed by how much these people can do for strangers. We worked with them, served, sang, and visited families, proclaiming God's word wherever we went."
Tony Olson
"When I first met the children from helpless families, I thought that there could be no such careless families for them. These children live, educate and grow only because of a Living God and those of J4RM."
Jane Bryan
"I realized I was living to give, and nothing could stop me from helping the hundreds of helpless families I met through this program. Their desire for simple and ordinary things for me is very big, which impressed me."